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- /* Includeheader
- Name: xpkmaster.h
- Main: xpkmaster
- Versionstring: $VER: xpkmaster.h 1.8 (12.04.97)
- Author: SDI
- Distribution: PD
- Description: Master library global definitions and declarations
- and prototypes
- 1.0 05.10.96 : first real version
- 1.1 27.12.96 : removed library protos - call now via library interface,
- allows patching
- 1.2 30.01.97 : change of cchecksum proto
- 1.3 31.01.97 : checksum changed again
- 1.4 01.03.97 : added new flags
- 1.5 08.03.97 : changed XpkBuffer a bit
- 1.6 31.03.97 : some little corrections
- 1.7 02.04.97 : removed obsolete stuff
- 1.8 12.04.97 : added DebugTagList
- */
- /* To disable PowerPacker support comment out the next line. */
- #ifndef __MAXON__
- #include <pragma/xpksub_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/powerpacker_lib.h>
- #endif
- #else
- #include "SDI_xpksub.h" // Stubs for xpksub and powerpacker
- #define __asm
- #endif
- #ifdef SUPPORT_A4
- #define A4SUPP ,a4
- #define A4SUPP2 ,xbuf->xb_regA4
- #define A4PROTO ,register __a4 ULONG a4
- #else
- #define A4SUPP
- #define A4SUPP2
- #define A4PROTO
- #endif
- #define SDI_TO_ANSI
- #include "SDI_ASM_STD_protos.h"
- #include <xpk/xpk.h>
- #include <xpk/xpksub.h>
- #define ROUNDLONG(x) (((x)+3)&(~3)) /* round to next longword */
- #define DEFAULTCHUNKSIZE 0x8000
- #ifndef Min
- #define Min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
- #define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
- #endif
- #define CHUNKSIZE 50000
- /* The structure used for I/O, special master library version */
- struct XpkMasterMsg {
- ULONG xmm_Type; /* Read/Write/Alloc/Free/Abort */
- STRPTR xmm_Ptr; /* The mem area to read from/write to */
- LONG xmm_Size; /* The size of the read/write */
- ULONG xmm_IOError; /* The IoErr() that occurred */
- ULONG xmm_Reserved; /* Reserved for future use */
- STRPTR xmm_Buf; /* Specific to the internal hooks */
- LONG xmm_Error; /* The XPKERR that occurred */
- ULONG xmm_BufLen;
- ULONG xmm_BufOfs;
- ULONG xmm_Len;
- ULONG xmm_Flags;
- ULONG xmm_FH;
- ULONG xmm_MemType;
- };
- #define XIO_GETOUTBUF 1
- #define XPKMF_SEEKABLE 0x0001 /* ALL chunks (-dict) are independent */
- #define XPKMF_DICTCHUNK 0x0002 /* First chunk is a global dictionary */
- #define XPKMF_FIXSPEED 0x0004 /* Speed is for A3000/25MHz/SCRAM/2.04 */
- #define XPKMF_NOCLOBBER 0x0008 /* Don't overwrite */
- /* These structures define the file format for compressed streams */
- struct XpkStreamHeader {
- ULONG xsh_Pack;
- ULONG xsh_CLen;
- ULONG xsh_Type;
- ULONG xsh_ULen;
- UBYTE xsh_Initial[16];
- UBYTE xsh_Flags;
- UBYTE xsh_HChk;
- UBYTE xsh_SubVrs;
- UBYTE xsh_MasVrs;
- };
- #define XPK_COOKIE 0x58504b46 /* 'XPKF' - ID for xsh_Pack */
- #define XPKSTREAMF_LONGHEADERS 0x01 /* Use XpkLongLocHeaders */
- #define XPKSTREAMF_PASSWORD 0x02 /* This file encoded */
- #define XPKSTREAMF_EXTHEADER 0x04 /* Extended globhdr */
- struct XpkChunkHdrWord {
- UBYTE xchw_Type;
- UBYTE xchw_HChk;
- UWORD xchw_CChk;
- UWORD xchw_CLen;
- UWORD xchw_ULen;
- };
- struct XpkChunkHdrLong {
- UBYTE xchl_Type;
- UBYTE xchl_HChk;
- UWORD xchl_CChk;
- ULONG xchl_CLen;
- ULONG xchl_ULen;
- };
- typedef union {
- struct XpkChunkHdrLong xch_Long;
- struct XpkChunkHdrWord xch_Word;
- } XpkChunkHeader;
- #define XPKCHUNK_TYPE 0x0f
- #define XPKCHUNK_RAW 0x00
- #define XPKCHUNK_PACKED 0x01
- #define XPKCHUNK_FDATA 0x02 /* Protection bits, file comment ... */
- #define XPKCHUNK_END 0x0f
- #define XPKCHUNKF_ENTRYPOINT 0x80 /* Stream can be seeked to at this point */
- struct Headers {
- struct XpkStreamHeader h_Glob;
- XpkChunkHeader h_Loc;
- ULONG h_LocSize;
- };
- #define XPKMODE_UPUP 1
- #define XPKMODE_UPSTD 2
- #define XPKMODE_UPPP 3
- #define XPKMODE_PKSTD 20
- #define AUTO_PASS_SIZE 50
- /* This is what XPK "handles" really point to */
- struct XpkBuffer {
- struct XpkFib xb_Fib;/* file info about this file */
- UWORD xb_PackingMode; /* desired packing efficiency, 0..100 */
- struct Headers xb_Headers; /* global and local file header */
- ULONG xb_Format; /* type of file */
- ULONG xb_ChunkLen; /* compressed chunk len */
- LONG xb_Result; /* error code from last call */
- // LONG xb_Result2; /* possible result from IoErr() */
- STRPTR xb_ErrBuf; /* Where user wants the error */
- STRPTR *xb_GetOutBuf; /* Where user wants the out buf addr */
- ULONG *xb_GetOutLen; /* Where user wants the output len */
- ULONG *xb_GetOutBufLen; /* Where user wants the out buf len */
- ULONG xb_ULen; /* Uncompressed length of file */
- ULONG xb_Secs; /* Start time, the seconds */
- ULONG xb_Mics; /* Start time, the micros */
- struct Hook *xb_RHook; /* input data hook */
- struct Hook *xb_WHook; /* output data hook */
- struct Hook *xb_ChunkHook; /* Hook to call between chunks */
- STRPTR xb_Password; /* password for de/encoding */
- ULONG xb_PasswordSize; /* password buffer size for own password*/
- ULONG xb_SubPackMode; /* Packing mode to be used */
- ULONG xb_SubID; /* ID of currently open sub */
- ULONG xb_ChunkSize; /* Chunk size to use for packing */
- ULONG xb_FirstChunk; /* Smallest chunk so far */
- ULONG xb_MinChunk; /* Minimum size of a chunk */
- ULONG xb_Flags; /* private for xpkmaster */
- LONG xb_Priority; /* task pri during packing */
- struct XpkInfo *xb_SubInfo; /* Info of current open sub-lib */
- struct Library *xb_SubBase; /* Currently open sub-library */
- LONG xb_InLen; /* Number of bytes to (un)pack */
- STRPTR xb_InName; /* InputName for prefs Recog func */
- ULONG xb_OutLen; /* Number of bytes written */
- ULONG xb_OutMemType; /* Type of memory for output buffer */
- STRPTR xb_OutName; /* Output file name */
- struct XpkMasterMsg xb_RMsg; /* Parameters for reading */
- struct XpkMasterMsg xb_WMsg; /* Parameters for writing */
- struct XpkSubParams xb_PackParam;/* Parameters to (Un)PackChunk() */
- struct XpkProgress xb_Prog; /* Parameters to progress report */
- STRPTR xb_LastMsg; /* The last progress message */
- #ifdef SUPPORT_A4
- ULONG xb_regA4;
- #endif
- };
- /* Values for MasterFlags */
- #define XMF_PRIVFH (1<<0) /* We opened the FH, so we close it. */
- #define XMF_PACKING (1<<1) /* This is a packing operation. */
- #define XMF_PASSTHRU (1<<2) /* Pass uncompressed data through */
- #define XMF_GETOUTBUF (1<<3) /* Get output buffer when size known */
- #define XMF_NOCLOBBER (1<<4) /* Don't overwrite */
- #define XMF_EOF (1<<5) /* End of file */
- #define XMF_IDSENT (1<<6) /* First four bytes of unpacked sent */
- #define XMF_INITED (1<<7) /* Sublib buffers have been allocted */
- #define XMF_GLOBHDR (1<<8) /* GlobHdr is already written */
- #define XMF_LOSSYOK (1<<9) /* Lossy compression permitted */
- #define XMF_OWNTASKPRI (1<<10) /* Altered task pri, restore */
- #define XMF_NOCRC (1<<11) /* Do not check the checksum on decomp */
- #define XMF_USECOMMENT (1<<12) /* Store FIB in file comment */
- #define XMF_NOPREFS (1<<13) /* Are prefs allowed ? */
- #define XMF_XFD (1<<14) /* Is XFD unpacking allowed ? */
- #define XMF_EXTERNALS (1<<15) /* Is extern allowed ? */
- #define XMF_AUTOPASSWD (1<<16) /* Automatic password */
- #define XMF_AUTOPRHOOK (1<<17) /* Automatic Progress hook */
- #define XMF_NOPACK (1<<18) /* destination file equals source */
- #define XMF_OWNPASSWORD (1<<19) /* free password buffer later !!! */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- void DebugError(STRPTR, ...); // debug.c
- void DebugRunTime(STRPTR, ...); // debug.c
- void DebugTagList(STRPTR, struct TagItem *); // debug.c
- #endif
- ULONG __asm MyCallHookPkt(register __a0 struct Hook *,
- register __a1 APTR A4PROTO);
- extern struct DosLibrary *DOSBase; // libdata.a
- extern struct Hook fhinhook; // hook_fh.c
- extern struct Hook fhouthook; // hook_fh.c
- extern struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase; // libdata.a
- extern UBYTE MainVersion; // libdata.a
- extern struct Hook meminhook; // hook_mem.c
- extern struct Hook memouthook; // hook_mem.c
- extern struct ExecBase *SysBase; // libdata.a
- extern struct Library *UtilityBase; // libdata.a
- extern struct Library *XpkBase; // libdata.a
- LONG callprogress(struct XpkBuffer *); // progress.c
- UWORD cchecksum(ULONG *, ULONG); // checksum.c
- void closesub(struct XpkBuffer *); // sublibs.c
- LONG freebufs(struct XpkBuffer *); // xbuf.h
- struct XpkPrefsSemaphore *GetPrefsSem(void); // objects.c
- UBYTE hchecksum(STRPTR, ULONG); // checksum.c
- APTR hookread(struct XpkBuffer *, ULONG, APTR, ULONG); // hook.c
- APTR hookwrite(struct XpkBuffer *, ULONG, APTR, ULONG); // hook.c
- ULONG idfromname(STRPTR); // util.c
- struct XpkBuffer *initxbuf(void); // xbuf.h
- struct Library *opensub(struct XpkBuffer *, ULONG); // sublibs.c
- LONG parsebuftags(struct XpkBuffer*, struct TagItem*, ULONG);// tags.c
- void parseerrortags(struct TagItem *); // tags.c
- void parsegettags(struct XpkBuffer *); // tags.c
- void percentages(struct XpkFib *); // fib.c
- void updatefib(struct XpkBuffer *); // fib.c
- LONG __asm xpkopen( register __a0 struct XpkBuffer **,
- register __a1 struct TagItem *,
- register __d2 ULONG
- A4PROTO); // open.c
- LONG xpkopenwrite(struct XpkBuffer **, struct TagItem *); // open.c